Agenda for 20 May 2017

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Danube Tower in Vienna.

Some guidelines

The Donauturm Edit War

  • Donauturm in Vienna (Danube Tower, Дунайская башня)
  • "The Donauturm is a lookout tower." was changed to: "The Donauturm is a television and lookout tower."
  • "[…] one of the most absurd clashes ever conducted in Wikipedia, filling pages full of insults and lecturings, reaching a length of more than 600,000 characters, as much as a book. It didn't take long and the discussion was no longer about the Donauturm. It was about the truth and about who had exclusive rights to it." (Mathieu von Rohr: Im Innern des Weltwissens, Der Spiegel 16/2010, quote transl. by FF)
  • "The German Wikipedia had an approximately 600,000-character discussion about the suitable title and categories, as some authors, many of them Austrian, regarded the Donauturm as a mere observation tower. The Spiegel coverage of the issue cited a participant with 'On good days, Wikipedia is better than any TV soap'." (English Wikipedia)

Some Wiki Syntax

  • This is an example for a footnote.[1]
  • Lists can have sublists:
    • like
      • and this
  • Signature with time stamp: -- ~~~~ (useful for discussion pages)

Homework (due 27 May 2017)

  • Create account
  • Identify an article gap in Wikipedia
  • Start writing your article
  • maybe upload a picture ("no copyrighted work without permission")


  1. John Doe 2012, p. 4.